

School Leader Quiz (1920 x 1080 px) (Instagram Video) (1)

How to Unlock What You Have to Offer when You Already Have Staff Buy In

As an ambitious school leader seeking to ascend to senior roles in the educational sector in Ireland, you likely find yourself in a unique position. You've already garnered the support and trust of your staff—a testament to your leadership skills and history. However, as you contemplate taking the next step in your career, you may wonder how to showcase your capabilities in your job application and interview - when the staff's buy-in is already secured.

Recognising Your Value

As a steady and n…

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Effective Strategies for Impressing Interviewers

Hello, dear teachers! I know how challenging it can be to stand out in an interview, especially when you're vying for a leadership role in education. I've been in your shoes, and I'm here to help you navigate this journey. Let's talk about how you can leave an unforgettable impression and rise above the competition in your next interview.

Embrace Your Confidence

Confidence is your best friend in an interview. It's the silent message that you believe in your abilities and are ready to take on the c…

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